Side Events

Rooms are now full. No more reservations are possible throughout the conference.

Congress Hall

20th September 2023

12:30 – 13:35 CET

Berlingske Meet-up: Unleash the power of Al in journalism: Get started now

In this meet-up Henk van Ess will show us how to add AI power to your research. Learn how to improve your Google searches with Al. Compare documents without the computer getting confused, and take your research to the next level. Accelerate mundane tasks, leverage #Al for geolocation, and streamline audio and video processing. We encourage participants to share their own experience with AI tools in the final part of the session.

Open to the public

14:00 – 14:45 CET

ICFJ Networking

Our networking sessions are just that: informal meet-ups where you can introduce yourself, talk about your work, brainstorm, and find colleagues to collaborate with. Here is a chance to meet colleagues from Southeast Asia and learn about upcoming collaborative projects in the region. All sessions are first-come, first-serve. That means people who arrive first will get seats. Be aware that some sessions are in relatively small rooms and they will fill up quickly.

21st September 2023

08:30 – 09:45 CET

UNESCO & IMS: Climate Change Investigative Reporting Workshop

The workshop aims to present the UNESCO/IMS funded Environmental and Climate Change Media Reporting in South East Asia project, which has been both innovative and successful, and led to the creation of an online curriculum. Training included an in-person bootcamp in Indonesia in early August, with participants primarily from the Philippines, Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia and East Timor. Six of the 13 participating newsrooms will attend GIJC as winners of the best strategy and idea for an investigative environment story pitch and collaboration. As part of its Climate Reporting Strategy IMS has also partnered with The Alliance of Independent Journalists from Indonesia to produce the first safety manual for journalists digging into environmental crimes. The manual will be presented at this workshop.

Open to the public

09:45 – 10:45 CET

GRID-Arendal: Strengthening Environmental Investigative Journalism: Unveiling Environmental Crimes with Scientific Knowledge

This session dives into a ground-breaking project led by GRID-Arendal, a renowned environmental research organization. Since 2015, the initiative “Investigative Environmental Journalism Grant” has focused on empowering investigative journalists to uncover and expose environmental crimes through the utilization of GRID-Arendal’s wealth of scientific knowledge and resources. Join us to explore and share your view on how the collaboration between science and journalism can shed light on pressing environmental issues, drive accountability, and catalyse positive change.

Open to the public

10:45 – 11:30 CET

Environmental Investigative Forum (EIF):
Successes and Challenges for Cross-regional Environmental Investigative Partnerships

The Environmental Investigative Forum (EIF), global consortium of environmental investigative journalists, will share the first results of a global consultation led with the support of the Journalism Fund Europe and IMS, in partnership with Oxpeckers, the Society of Environmental Journalists, CENOZO, ARIJ, Info Nile and the Third Pole. The session will explore successes, good practices, but also urgent needs and current challenges faced by journalists, newsrooms and non-profit in the field of collaborative environmental investigative journalism. It will be followed by an informal gathering of EIF members present at the conference.

Open to the public

22nd September 2023

11:00 – 12:15 CET

IMS Pitch Session: Cross-continental/cross country environment and climate change story collaboration

For IMS Global Partners only

13:45 – 14h45 CET

Lighthouse Reports: Exiled Journalists Networking

Are you a freelance journalist or member of a media organisation that has to operate in exile? Have questions for colleagues who face similar situations around the world? Join us for an informal gathering to continue discussing the issues raised in the Exiled Media panels at GIJC. This is an opportunity for one-to-one, off-the-record conversations on issues such as security, funding and reporting strategies. Open to all, please contact for any questions. 

Small Room with Projector (R3)

Other events

European Writers Club new initiative launch: Boosting Impact – from facts to fiction

Are you in development with a documented and investigated story for a scripted tv-series, that can make a change? Let’s meet! Our aim? Boosting and accelerating stories for scripted TV-series based on true events. How? With 3 immersive camps which include: 

  • 6 established teams of journalist, writers, producers and broadcasters 
  • 6 searched and investigative stories based on true events 
  • In a highly collaborative and creative safe space with the goal of boosting each story for International TV series potential.

Want to learn more? Come meet us on September 19th or 20th. Take contact directly with, or visit:


Fojo Media Institute
Föreningen Grävande Journalister