Alice de Souza
Regional Coordinator for Brazil and Lusophone Africa, OCRI
Alice de Souza is a Brazilian journalist, specialist in Human Rights and Master in Creative Industries. She is a researcher at The Brazilian Association of Investigative Journalism (Abraji), a Regional Coordinator at The Centre for Investigative Journalism (CIJ) and a freelance reporter whose work has appeared at Agência Pública, El Estornudo, The Intercept Brasil, UOL, El Universal and other media outlets. A former reporter at Diario de Pernambuco and editorial coordinator at Jornal do Commercio, she has works recognised in more than 40 local, national and international awards, including One World Media, Sigma Awards and Vladimir Herzog de Anistia e Direitos Humanos. Alice is also a Cosecha Roja, Climate Tracker and IWMF fellow, and a member of the 3rd Generation of the Latin American Network of Young Journalists Distintas Latitudes. She was the most-awarded journalist in the Northeast of Brazil in 2018, 2019 and 2022.