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Hendrik Lehmann

Tagesspiegel Innovation Lab
Hendrik Lehmann is Head of Tagesspiegel Innovation Lab and coordinating a European network for urban journalism. Him and the Lab work with investigative data analysis, dataviz and interactive web applications. They also try hard to make use of AI for investigative research and editorial workflows. Better known projects Hendrik worked on include:the European investigation on housing crisis „Cities 4 Rent“, a sensor journalism project on bicycle traffic „Radmesser“,the crowd investigation on housing „Wem gehört Berlin?“,the cross-border investigation #GhostDebts on the trading of non-performing loans,and an investigation on the climate crisis affecting African women  „Female Fight for the Future“.  Hendrik Lehmann has been awarded with the German Reporter Prize three times (2018, 2019, 2021), the Data Journalism Award 2019, the Ernst Schneider Prize 2020 and the European Press Prize 2022. He has worked as a data journalist, visual storyteller, video journalist and team coordinator at Tagesspiegel since 2016. He studied Political Science (B.A.) at FU Berlin Berlin and Urban Sociology at Goldsmiths College London (M.A.).