Jane Lytvynenko
Freelance Journalist
Jane Lytvynenko is a freelance reporter currently focusing on Russia’s war on Ukraine. She also covers technology, disinformation, and social media. She is widely recognized as an industry leader in disinformation research and reporting. She has been Senior Research Fellow at the Tech and Social Change Project at Shorenstein Center, Harvard University, and has worked at BuzzFeed News to investigate and uncover online manipulators looking to dupe regular people. Her work has focused on the rise of conspiracy theories, hyperpartisan news, cryptocurrency scams, and extremism globally. During breaking news situations, Jane brings swift and accessible debunks to global audiences across mediums, including video, print, and social media. Many turn to her to sift truth from falsehoods in times of crisis. Her investigative work has uncovered a secretive extremist organization operating in the US, disinformation network operators who manipulate social media on behalf of state actors, and online hucksters seeking to scam people out of their livelihoods. Jane has also shown how the online world can impact people offline and how politicians frequently profit from the disinformation environment. In 2020, Jane won the prestigious Emerging Excellence award. The Digital Publishing Award jury called her “a global leader in debunking disinformation” and noted her “impact on global media and ability to lead and train others in this important field.”