Jeff Kelly Lowenstein
Center for Collaborative Investigative Journalism (CCIJ)
Founder and Executive Director
Jeff Kelly Lowenstein is the founder and executive director of the Center for Collaborative Investigative Journalism (CCIJ). An investigative and journalist, he is also the Padnos/Sarosik Endowed Chair of Civil Discourse at Grand Valley State University. He was previously the David Laventhol/Newsday Visiting Professor at Columbia University’s Graduate School of Journalism, the database and investigative editor at Hoy Chicago, the Chicago Tribune company’s Spanish-language newspaper, and president of the Ochberg Society for Trauma Journalism, an international organization of journalists who cover issues of trauma and violence with sensitivity and compassion. His work has been published in The New Yorker and the the Center for Public Integrity, among many publications, and has earned awards from organizations like Investigative Reporters and Editors, the National Press Club, the National Headliner Club, the Society for News Design and the National Association of Black Journalists. Jeff has participated in national and international fellowships about racial justice, the environment, health, business and trauma. A Fulbright Scholar, Specialist and Teacher, he has written or edited six books. In 2016 he was the Taco Kuiper Visiting Fellow at Wits University, and in 2017 he was a Fulbright Specialist there, too. He and his wife Dunreith, a writer and educational consultant, live in Grand Rapids. Their son Aidan lives in Oakland, California.