Jóhannes Kr. Kristjánsson
Reykjavik MediaInvestigative Reporter/Producer
Johannes Kr. Kristjansson is an investigative reporter and documentary filmmaker in Iceland. In April 2015, Jóhannes received a call from the ICIJ (The International Consortium of Investigative Journalists), inviting him to participate in an investigation of data from a law firm in Panama. Twelve months later, Johannes confronted the Prime Minister of Iceland in an interview that went viral. The prime minister walked out of the interview and became a poster boy for the Panama Papers project. Johannes was part of the ICIJ’s Panama Papers team that was awarded The Pulitzer Prize in the category of "Explanatory Reporting," and he was also nominated for an Emmy for outstanding achievement in the category of current affairs for a documentary about the Panama Papers in collaboration with SVT (Swedish Television), ICIJ, and Süddeutsche Zeitung.
For the last 25 years, Johannes has worked as an investigative reporter and documentary filmmaker, including as an editor for the investigative news magazine program Compass on Channel 2 and as an investigative reporter/producer for the news program Kastljós on RÚV, the national television. Johannes has received numerous awards for his work, including the EDDA for Best TV News Program from the Icelandic Film & TV Academy, Television Personality of the Year, Best Investigative Journalism, Best Coverage of the Year, and The Icelandic Journalism Prize.